We are interested in developing tools and methods for translational drug discovery. We are always looking for highly-motivated trainees to join our lab. If you are passionate about using Big Data to find cures, let's have a chat. If you would like to know more about our research, please check out our collection.

Postdoctoral scholars

Post-doctoral fellow in translational bioinformatics

Description: Dr. Bin Chen's lab is always seeking highly motivated postdoctoral scholars to conduct translational bioinformatics research with a focus on individualized cancer therapy. The goal of Chen lab is to develop tools and methods to identify new or better therapeutics for cancers. The recent lab work was published in Gastroenterology and Nature Communications, and featured in STAT, GEN, GenomeWeb and KCBS. The candidates will have the opportunity to collaborate with outstanding bench scientists and clinicians at MSU, UCSF, Stanford University, and Van Andel Research Institute, and to apply the cutting edge technologies (e.g., deep learning) and emerging open big data (e.g., single cell, RNA-Seq, proteomics) into drug discovery. The candidates will also have an exciting opportunity to mine millions of electronic medical records.

Qualifications: Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Chemical Informatics, Biostatistics, Statistics, Computational Biology, Informatics, Computer Science, or a related field. Experience with machine learning/statistical learning is required. Prior evidence of productivity, creativity, and passion for drug discovery is expected. Excellent communication skills in English are desirable. Proficiency in using R/Bioconductor and Python is preferred.

How to apply: Please email your CV, one or two relevant publications and names of at least three references to Bin Chen (binchengroup@gmail.com)

Graduate students

Our team has openings for graduate students. Please schedule an appointment with Bin. We hire students through BioMolecular Science Gateway and the Dual PhD program in Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering.

Undergraduate/high school students

We have the tradition to mentor undergraduates and high school students. To prepare for a summer internship program, please refer to Bin's writing " Ten Simple Rules for Internship in a Pharmaceutical Company" published in PLoS Comput Biol.